Dad's 55 T-bird - The beginning of a long process

Restoration - January

Restoration - November
Restoration - December
Restoration - January
Restoration - February
Restoration - March
Restoration - April
Summer 2005
Restoration - Complete!!!
Alliance Review Article

First real visible signs of what's to come... 
See chassis pics...
You may also see some pics you've seen before.  These are for comparison to show where the car was, and is. 

Motor right after I dropped it off in December...

Motor torn down... currently being rebuilt...

Rear left of body. Done - ready for primer, sanding and paint.

Remember this from November?

Was turned into this...

Is now this. Body primed... Currenlty undergoing final fitting for trim and prep for paint.

Another incredible transformation. The Chassis/Frame - From this,,,

To this... Frame cleaned up and repaired. All rust removed and prepped for epoxy pimer & paint.

To this...

To this! 100% rebuilt chassis. New Bushings, springs, fuel/brake lines, exhaust, etc, etc.

Shot of rear end with rebuilt differential in place, etc, Very, very nice.

Well, that's another month...  Some fantastic progress in my book.  This is only a handful of the pics they sent showing the work that was done last month.  Other things done were door repairs... including complete reconditioning on the inside of the doors, additional pics of final bodywork, etc.  Body is currently under final preparation for paint (Trim fitting, door, hood and trunk alignment, block sanding, etc).  Motor is in machine shop being rebuilt.  They are prepping for dash refurb/rebuild, etc.  All remaining chrome should be back from the chromer in a couple of weeks...  and, as you can see, the Chassis is done!  Car is scheduled to be completed and delivered in early April.  Ford is offering 0% financing right now on all restored 1955 Thunderbirds!!!  Yah, I wish...
Take care all...

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