Dad's 55 T-bird - The beginning of a long process

Restoration - Complete

Restoration - November
Restoration - December
Restoration - January
Restoration - February
Restoration - March
Restoration - April
Summer 2005
Restoration - Complete!!!
Alliance Review Article

A little longer than planned but it's finally done.   The guys stopped in Alliance for friends and family to see it there for an hour on June 16th before delivering it to VA.  See pics below in front of Grove's Appliance.  It drives as nice as it looks and the pictures speak for themselves.  A few special pictures at the top from Father's day, June 18th, 2006.  Take care all...

Click link below to see the online version of an article from the Alliance Review (Alliance local paper) on June 21nd featuring Dad's Tbird:





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An old friend of Dad's, Marylin Kerr, brought this pic to the showing in Alliance. Dad on the right.

Pit stop in Alliance

My cousin Brian behind the wheel...



Front undercarriage

Rear Undercarriage

Thanks one last time to the guys that made this happen - CASCO.  John Lonsberry, CASCO's restoration shop manager, and his crew are miracle workers.  Last summer, after having seen it, a few folks asked, "Is it really restorable"?  Well, "anything's restorable"... although this car was in pretty bad shape.  You just have to find the right shop and be prepared for the bills.  It got a little painful near the end but there was far more work that needed to be done once they got into it than was originally anticipated.  Dad would have loved it.